Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hi! So I know I've been being a total spaz about posting on this blog. Sorry! (Not that anyone actually reads this but if you do I apologize!)
Now back to traveling! I just had the best time! I went to Oregon for the first time and stayed in a treehouse hotel! It was amazing!! A little scary considering how high up I was but fun nonetheless! I am in love with Oregon! I would love to move to Portland in the next 3-4 years! That would be my dream home!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012


London! The one place I want to go to the most! Ask my friends. I have a crazy obsession with british and australian accents. It looks beautiful! Its gray and rainy which I love! I live in a desert so we don't get much of that. If I could go on a trip anywhere tomorrow, this would be it. Hopefully someday :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Stop: New York

The funny thing is I have actually been to new york before. But I went to visit family and we never actually went into the city. I want to go to new york CITY! I want to see a broadway show, see the famous Tiffany's store. This is definetly one place that I need to revist.